Swami Rajarshi Muni founded Life Mission to organize the task of
carrying out the divine command received by him to undertake a worldwide
spiritual and cultural reawakening campaign. The Mission Culture Centers
are one of the ground level instrumentalities for organizing the field
effort to achieve the Mission 's spiritual mandate which includes seva
or service of humanity. They also provide a means to members of the
Fellowship to meet their own spiritual needs at the individual,
personal, level and serve as a link between members of the Fellowship as
well as between the Fellowship and the community it seeks to serve.
The Mission carries out its work through these Culture
Centers. These represent the institutional arrangement to extend the
outreach of the Mission to the field and make its services available to
all those desiring to avail of them. They also represent the Mission 's
presence among the people on a continuing basis so that through them the
community can continue to derive benefit of the Mission 's programs and
services. The Mission remains in constant touch with these centers
through a supervisory mechanism and through a monthly Newsletter.