Publications in English

  1. Awakening Life Force (Llewellyn, USA).

  2. Chinese Mahayan Buddhism.

  3. Classical H atha Yoga.

  4. Divine Body Through Yoga.

  5. Infinite Grace - The Story of My Spiritual Lineage.

  6. Let Us Be a Little Yogi (For Children).

  7. Light From Guru to Disciple.

  8. Nitya Karma (Daily Rituals).

  9. Sanatan (Eternal) Culture of India.

  10. Shri Guru Govind Pujan.

  11. Tenets for the Spiritual Life.

  12. Yoga Experiences.

  13. Yoga The Ultimate Attainment (Jaico).

  14. Yoga The Ultimate Spiritual Path (Llewellyn, USA).

  15. Yoga, Key to Health.

Yoga, The Synthesis of Physiology and Metaphysics ( Delhi, India, Motilal Banarasidas 2006) (This is the second Indian edition of 'Yoga the Ultimate Spiritual Path.)


Awakening the Life Force
Paperback, 18x25cm, 200 pages. ISBN 0-87542-581-X. $ 15 (CAN $20.50).
This is a groundbreaking work for the serious spiritual seeker and scholar about spontaneous yoga or the yoga of liberation. Instead of discussing the physical exercises or meditations to achieve inner peace which make up the popular western understanding of yoga this book deals with the proven processes by which the spiritual seeker can attain liberation from the limitations of time and space, can attain unlimited divine powers and an immortal, physically perfect divine body that is retained forever. The sages who composed the ancient scriptures achieved such a state, as have others of all religious traditions. The path to such perfection is through spontaneous yoga in which body and mind are surrendered to the spontaneous workings of the awakened life-force the yoga texts call prana . This is not a guide to applied yoga but an in-depth work addressing the philosophy and metaphysics of yoga by one who has traversed the ground covered by the work and thus in a position to yet once again revalidate the knowledge left behind in ancient texts by the perfected Masters of old.
First published in 1994, this work has since been reprinted under different titles and is still both unprecedented and unequalled. The work was adjudged the best book of the year on yoga for 1997-98 by the National Institute of Naturopathy of the Government of India.

Chinese Mahayan Buddhism
Paperback, 12x18 cm., 35 pages. ISBN 81-88243-05-1.
The Da Hua Monastry of Buddhism in Taiwan invited Yogendradev, one of the Acharyas of Life Mission, for spiritual and cultural exchanges. His Guru Swami Rajarshi, Muniji prepared this small booklet for the Acharya's use in regions practicing Buddhism. It contains well-researched information on the development of Buddhism, its spread from India to shores farther away and its rise and fall over time. It will be useful to all those desirous of understanding the Buddhist faith, whether on that path themselves or not, and those seeking a road to liberation.
Classical Hatha Yoga
Hard Cover, Pages i to xxiv and 1 to 587, with 776 color photo illustrations, nine color drawings, one text table, Dictionary of Sanskrit Words and Index of Postures. ISBN 978-81-88243-01-3,
The annals of world spiritual literature will long remain embellished by this truly unique and extraordinary book. Meticulously and methodically written during 1978-81 when the Author was pursuing secluded yoga sadhana , it speaks volumes for his stature and authority that he was in a position to traverse the territory covered in this work within barely a decade of his receiving yoga initiation. One such as this comes but once in ages, for this book attests to the fact that the author has clearly crossed yogic frontiers that it takes many lifetimes of arduous practice to attain. The roster of such yogis is small.
This is the work of one who knew Kundalini in just the third sitting and had reached the domain of the Khechari Mudra in just the third month of his sadhana. For one who knows the Khechari Mudra there is not much left to be known of time past, present or future. So it should not come as a surprise that this book has so much that is both so rare and so vastly illuminating. It goes further than any yoga text has gone since centuries and delineates the full vast canvas of this secret spiritual science with a familiarity born of experience-based personal knowledge. Time alone will help comprehend the awesome import of this document, that after passage of much time the world is once again gifted with a perfected yogi.
Divine Body Through Yoga
Paperback, 18x24 cm., Pages i to xii and 1 to 188, with one color illustration. ISBN 978-81-88243-03-7,
The concept of the Divine Body is to be found in all faiths of the world. The oldest authority for it lies in Indian Scriptures which are at least five thousand years old and contain repeated references to such a Divine Body. The faithful have trusted the principle but remained in the dark about its import and the way of its attainment. There was none till now who could throw light upon it.
Since 1913 the world has been gifted with a lineage of disciplic succession which is in possession of the secrets of the highest yoga and is practicing Divine Yoga for the attainment of the Divine Body. The Author is its present Spiritual Head , an advanced Yogi in his own right, a modern Master who is in a position to explain the ancient and elusive principle.
The book speaks for itself. It is essential reading for all who seek to understand the true Yoga of India and its highest promised fruit. The subject of the Divine Body free of old age, disease and death has never before been so directly and specifically addressed as in this book. It could not have been so addressed except by one in personal knowledge of the territory it covers through his own practice of yoga. No one who reads and absorbs the contents of this work can fail to be convinced of the authenticity of its content or the stature of the Author.

Infinite Grace - The Story of My Spiritual Lineage
Paperback, 14x22 cm., 331 pages. ISBN 81-88243-00-6,
“During the twenty-eighth Dwapar age when Dwaipayan, son of Parasar, will be Vyas and Lord Vishnu shall incarnate as Lord Krishna, son of Vasudeva, I too shall incarnate in the body of a celibate and shall be known as Lakulish. The place of my incarnation shall be siddhakshetra and it shall be renowned among men till the earth shall last.”
(Shiv Puran, Shatrudra Samhita, 5:43-50).
This prophesy came to pass nearly 4500 years ago, when Lord Lakulish appeared on earth at Kayavarohan, a well-known holy pilgrimage center in western India. He preached the principles of Sanatan Dharma and the spiritual science of Divine Yoga. His spiritual tradition flourished for nearly 3000 years. With the passage of time, the teachings of his tradition ceased. In 1913 he gave spiritual initiation to Swami Pranavanandji, and thus once again revived his spiritual tradition. The latter initiated Swami Kripalvanandji in 1931 who later became the third spiritual head of the lineage. Four decades later, in1971, Swami Kripalvanandji initiated Swami Rajarshi Muniji and passed on to him the secrets of Divine Yoga. In Infinite Grace, Swami Rajarshi Muni, the present spiritual head of the lineage, narrates the story of the extraordinary spiritual tradition of Lord Lakulish in modern times.

Let Us Be a Little Yogi (For Children)
A startup volume of yoga postures practice for small children.

Light From Guru to Disciple
Now out of print, it narrates a part of the story of the Author's spiritual lineage, its contents since incorporated in the fuller book Infinite Grace.

Nitya Karma (Daily Rituals)
Paperback, 14x20.5cm, 42 pages.
Indian Scriptures say that every human being inherits three debts from the very moment of its birth, those to God, the Spirits of the Ancestors and to human beings. They further enjoin that certain daily rituals must be performed to square up the unsettled account of these debts. Six such daily rituals are prescribed. These are: the daily bath or ablution, sandhya or worship of the Sun, Japa or mantra recitation, Deva-pujan or worship of God, Vaishvadev Yajnas or the five sacrificial rites and atithya or hospitality towards the guest. This brief illuminating booklet explains these basics of the sanatan dharma or eternal religion.

Sanatan (Eternal) Culture of India
Paperback, 12x17.5cm., 64 pages.
The sanatan dharma, eternal religion, is the most ancient knowledge and valuable cultural heritage which mankind has received from the ancient Indian sages. The truths of this knowledge have accumulated over many centuries since times immemorial and have been confirmed by the experience of the sages and saints. It delineates a way of ideal living enabling humans to view life in the proper perspective and helps to differentiate between reality and illusion. Read this book to learn about it all and to raise the plane of your own life and living.

Shri Guru Govind Pujan
Paperback, 12x18.5 cm,
Indian Scriptures say that every human being inherits three debts from the very moment of its birth, those to God, the Spirits of the Ancestors and to human beings. They further enjoin that certain daily rituals must be performed to square up the unsettled account of these debts. Six such daily rituals are prescribed. Daily worship of God in accordance with prescribed procedure is one of them. This book delineates the sixteen steps to formal worship as enjoined by the Scriptures.

Tenets for the Spiritual Life
Paperback. Baroda , 2007, Life Mission Publications, Paperback, 14x22 cm., 121 pages. ISBN 978-81-88243-02-0,
Sage Patanjali established Yoga as a precise discipline with eight essential practices. This system is known as Ashtang Yoga , or “the eightfold path of Yoga .” Ashtang Yoga is comprised of three distinct groups of spiritual exercises. The first two limbs are known as yam and niyam . Together they provide a moral code of conduct for the yoga aspirant. These restraints ( yams ) and vows ( niyams ) cultivate the ethical behavior essential to the pursuit of the spiritual goal. The second group is composed of bahirangs , or external practices, which include asan , pranayam , and pratyahar . This group is called Hatha Yoga . These practices focus primarily on physical discipline. They strengthen the body, increase the vital force, and quiet the mind. The third group is known as Raja Yoga , which includes the antarangs (internal practices) of dharana , dhyan , and samadhi . The practice of Raja Yoga focuses on the mental concentration required for samadhi , the state of super consciousness.
Those who intend to follow the path of spiritual enlightenment must first purify the body, mind, and heart; the tri-fold abode of Spirit. The first two limbs of Yoga help to achieve this goal.
This book re-affirms the primacy of yam and niyam in yoga practice.

Yoga Experiences
Paperback, 12x17.5 cm., 155 pages.
“The distinguishing feature of this book is that it is not an admixture of false conjectures and flights of fancy. Here is an honest endeavor to present the truth in its pristine form. Wherever his experience has fallen short, the author has discreetly made use of ancient scriptures and some of my books. Since he has presented the truth in a scientific manner, this book is bound to be a source of enlightenment to all readers. …. This book will find a place of honor among the known works on yoga”. Swami Kripalvanand.
This, the earliest work of one who has since become a perfected yogi first established the arrival of an undisputed Master in the classic mould of the adepts of the East.

Yoga The Ultimate Attainment
Paperback, Pages i to xxii and 1 to 200. ISBN 81-724-424-X
Yoga is the process of achieving harmony of body, mind and spirit with the ultimate goal of liberating oneself from samsara, the wheel of birth and death. Indian Scriptures mention this science since more than five thousand years ago (Rig Veda). Knowledge of it in the west is relatively new. It traveled west from India but arrived there fragmented and flawed. In the present work, the author has “tried to present without distortion the philosophy and metaphysics of yoga as taught by the ancient sages. The intention here is to provide a work of straightforward truth on the subject for the benefit of genuine seekers who have had to make do with the vast body of obscure literature that is at present the only source of information on this illuminating science”. The author is an advanced yogi himself and has tested the findings of the ancients on the anvil of personal practice and experience. He is thus uniquely qualified to speak on the subject with an authority unavailable to most who attempt to deal with it. It is no accident that this work was judged the best book on yoga for the year 1997-98 by the National Institute of Naturopathy of the Government of India. This work is essential reading for all who wish to properly understand this ancient Indian science that declares itself as having the power to confer liberation from old age, disease and death and from the cycles of birth and death.

Yoga The Ultimate Spiritual Path
Paperback, 19x23 cm., 184 pages. ISBN 1-56718-441-3. $ 14.95 (CAN $ 22.95.).
Yoga is the process of achieving harmony of body, mind and spirit with the ultimate goal of liberating oneself from samsara, the wheel of birth and death. Indian Scriptures mention this science since more than five thousand years ago (Rig Veda). Knowledge of it in the west is relatively new. It traveled west from India but arrived there fragmented and flawed. In the present work, the author has “tried to present without distortion the philosophy and metaphysics of yoga as taught by the ancient sages. The intention here is to provide a work of straightforward truth on the subject for the benefit of genuine seekers who have had to make do with the vast body of obscure literature that is at present the only source of information on this illuminating science”. The author is an advanced yogi himself and has tested the findings of the ancients on the anvil of personal practice and experience. He is thus uniquely qualified to speak on the subject with an authority unavailable to most who attempt to deal with it. It is no accident that this work was judged the best book on yoga for the year 1997-98 by the National Institute of Naturopathy of the Government of India. This work is essential reading for all who wish to properly understand this ancient Indian science that declares itself as having the power to confer liberation from old age, disease and death and from the cycles of birth and death.

Yoga, Key to Health
Paperback, 12.5x18.5 m., 72 pages. ISBN 81-88243-04-3.
Ancient Indian Sages and Saints have recommended yoga as the key to health and happiness. This little but eminently useful booklet is designed to securing a healthy and happy life for anyone who cares to put its prescriptions into practice. It briefly explains the “ bahirangs ” or external parts of ashtang yoga and the importance of brahmcharya and mitahar ( celibacy and moderation in diet) and proceeds to lay out a one-week course of practice of yogasans designed to secure a high state of good health. A weekly regimen of thirty asans is delineated, backed up by an account of the benefits of each. Photographic illustration of each asan is also provided.