Publications in Gujarati

    1. Amrutbindu – Bhajanavali by Sannyasini Yogini Maiya

    2. Arogya Ni Chavi - Yoga

    3. Atma Kalyan

    4. Ayurved Parichay

    5. Baal Kirtan Mala by Sannyasini Yogini Maiya

    6. Bharatiya Sanatan Sanskrity

    7. Bholanath Shivji

    8. Chalo Bal Yogi Baniye

    9. Chalo Yoga Sheekhiye

    10. Daan Dharm

    11. Drashtant Darshika

    12. Shri Guru Govind Poojan

    13. Guru Keva Karsho

    14. Jivram

    15. Kaalchakra Ane Kaliyuga

    16. Karma, Gyan, Bhakti Yoga

    17. Karma, Gyan, Bhakti Yoga Dvitiya

    18. Leela Purushottam by Ajitsinh Gadhvi

    19. Mahateerth Kayavarohan

    20. Manav Jeevan Yatra

    21. Manav Kartavya

    22. Mari Guru Parampara

    23. Mati, Kruti Anusar Gati by Sanyasini Yogini Maiya

    24. Mila Repa, Tibet Na Mahan Yogi

    25. Nari Tun Narayani by Sanyasini Yogini Maiya

    26. Navdha Bhakti

    27. Nirnirala Naradveda

    28. Nityakarm

    29. Prarabdha Chade Ke Purusharth

    30. Purusharth Chatushtay

    31. Saat Samandar Paar

    32. Sadhak Panchak

    33. Sanatan Bharatiya Sanskrity

    34. Sanatan Dharma Ane Sanmarg

    35. Satsang Sudha

    36. Shaktipat

    37. Shishya Keva Bansho

    38. Shiv Mahima

    39. Sudhabindu (Parts 1 to 3) (Collection of Devotional compositions)

    40. Varta Re Varta by Sanyasini Yogini Maiya

    41. Vinod Vallari

    42. Vigyan Adhyatma Na Marge by Dr. B.G. Nayak.

    43. Yoga Aur Ayurved

    44. Yoga Darshika

    45. Yoga Darshika Prarambhik

    46. Yoga Darshika Dvitiya

    47. Yoga Darshika Tritiya

    48. Yoga Darshika Chaturtha

    49. Yoga Darshika Pancham

    50. Yoga Darshika Sashtam

    51. Yoga Darshika Saptam

    52. Yoga Dwara Divya Deh

    53. Yoga Ek Naam Anek

    Adhyatma Ane Bhautik Vigyan
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 100 pages. Rupees 30
    Present-day mankind is caught on the horns of a dilemma. There is an unbridled chase after wealth and material acquisitions for satisfying the thirst for sense gratification. But there is also a spiritual quest for truth that will satisfactorily explain the human condition and its innumerable contradictions and dilemmas. This illuminating book is based on the discourses of Swami Rajarshi Muni delivered at several educational institutions during the years 1974-1978. It has remained a basic text for all those seeking to acquire a proper understanding of Man's place on the vast canvas of time, space and creation, and the purpose of human endeavor and existence.

    Amrutbindu – Bhajanmala by Yogini Maiya
    Paperback, 12.5x18 cm, 40 pages. Rupees 7
    The human tendency towards piety is naturally drawn to extolling the glories of the Lord in song. The Indian creative métier known as bhajan-kirtan (extolling the glories of the Lord in song) is a means to piety and often its beginning. This small collection of thirty-three poetic renditions by Sannyasini Yogini Maiya, chief disciple of Swami Rajarshi Muni, is a record of her sadhana experiences.

    Arogya Ni Chavi Yoga.
    Paperback, 12.5x17 cm., 44 pages. Rupees 15
    Ancient Indian Sages and Saints have recommended yoga as the key to health and happiness. This little but eminently useful booklet is designed to securing a healthy and happy life for anyone who cares to put its prescriptions into practice. It briefly explains the “ bahirangs ” or external parts of ashtang yoga and the importance of brahmcharya and mitahar ( celibacy and moderation in diet) and proceeds to lay out a one-week course of practice of yogasans designed to secure a high state of good health. A weekly regimen of thirty asans is delineated, backed by an account of the benefits of each. Photographic illustration of each asan is also provided.

    Atma Kalyan.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 68 pages. Rupees 20
    This is one of several of the author's seminal works that are essential reading for the spiritual seeker. It places human life in the perspective of time and space and explains its purpose which is to gain liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It explains the qualities of nature and how the “ shadripu ” the six enemies ( kam, krodh, lobha, mada, moha and matsar ) come in the way of right effort.

    Ayurved Parichay.
    Paperback, 12x17.5 cm., 72 pages. Rupees 20
    A basic text on the ancient Indian health science of Ayurved which holds out the promise of a perfectly healthy body and mind. It briefly mentions the classic authorities on the subject, the essential parameters of the science and the elementary diagnostic methods and extensively recommends the practices and dietary prescriptions for a healthy living.

    Baal Kirtan Mala.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 40 pages. Rupees 5
    A small collection of thirty-three bhajans written by Sannyasini Yogini Maiya for children.
    Bharatiya Sanatan Sanskrity.
    Paperback, 11.5x17 cm., 52 pages. Rupees 15
    The sanatan dharma, eternal religion, is the most ancient knowledge and valuable cultural heritage which mankind has received from the ancient Indian sages. The truths of this knowledge have accumulated over many centuries since times immemorial and have been confirmed by the experience of the sages and saints. It delineates a way of ideal living enabling humans to view life in the proper perspective and helps to differentiate between reality and illusion. Read this book to learn about it all and to raise the plane of your own life and living.

    Bholanath Shivji.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 67 pages. Rupees 20
    Based on the Author's discourses on the significance of Lord Shiva delivered on the occasion of Mahashivratri during the years 1983 to 1997 this book is cast in a humorous mode and familiarizes the reader with aspects of Lord Shiva and the Shiva Parivar.

    Chalo Bal Yogi Bane.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 18 pages. Rupees 5
    Yoga is not just for the seeker of liberation but for the welfare of the entire human race. It is equally useful for people of all ages from children to the elderly. Yoga keeps the body and mind in a state of good health, improves the body's capabilities and improves mental concentration and personality. It makes an ordinary person into an extraordinary one. That is why we should incorporate yoga into our daily lives. To facilitate this, Life Mission has made available many texts on the practice of yoga. This is one of a few texts designed specially for children.

    Chalo Yoga Sheekhiye.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 28 pages. Rupees 10
    Yoga is not just for the seeker of liberation but for the welfare of the entire human race. It is equally useful for people of all ages from children to the elderly. Yoga keeps the body and mind in a state of good health, improves the body's capabilities and improves mental concentration and personality. It makes an ordinary person into an extraordinary one. That is why we should incorporate yoga into our daily lives. To facilitate this, Life Mission has made available many texts on the practice of yoga. This is one of a few texts designed specially for children.
    Daan Dharm.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 45 pages. Rupees 15
    Indian Scriptures have assigned special weightage to ‘daan' or the giving of charity during the kali yuga. It is said, “ Daan-dharmat paro dharmo bhtanam neha vidhyate ”, meaning, “there is no dharma for the people higher than daan dharma in this loka”. This book explores the subject in some detail and is a most outstanding guide for all wishing to lead spiritual lives. It is an illuminating guide concerning the spiritual value of sacrifice and the proper uses of wealth.
    Drashtant Darshika.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 60 pages. Rupees 15
    A collection of sermons concerning ‘ nam smaran ' or remembrance of the Lord's name, the power of circumstance and destiny, ‘ pradakshina ' or ‘ parikrama ' (perambulation of temple or idol or pilgrimage or Guru), one of the thirty-two observances of spiritual practice, faith, and the bad fruits of ill-gotten gains.
    Shri Guru Govind Poojan.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm. 24 pages. Rupees 5
    Indian Scriptures say that every human being inherits three debts from the very moment of its birth, those to God, the Spirits of the Ancestors and to human beings. They further enjoin that certain daily rituals must be performed to square up the unsettled account of these debts. Six such daily rituals are prescribed. Daily worship of God in accordance with prescribed procedure is one of them. This book delineates the sixteen steps to formal worship as enjoined by the Scriptures.
    Also Available:
    Shri Hanumann Chalisa
    Shri Shiv Mahimna Stotra
    Shri Vishnusahastranam
    Guru Keva Karsho.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 126 pages. Rupees 30
    This book fulfills the long-felt need of many spiritual seekers and is an exhaustive treatment of the subject of Guru. Probably no other text may be found that so lucidly and completely covers the subject. The Indian cultural and spiritual ethos accepts the premise that there is no knowledge without Guru and there is no liberation without knowledge. Indian scriptures have the principle that “that is knowledge which confers liberation”. The reference is of course to yoga. The problem of seekers is how to recognize and know a true Guru. This unprecedented book deals with the significance of Guru in spiritual progress, different types and classes of Guru, aall aspects of diksha or spiritual initiation and the qualifications and duties of initiated disciples.

    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 75 pages. Rupees 15
    A collection of spiritual sermons cast in the mode of humorous tales featuring ‘Jivram' who is of course Everyman. It enshrines many of the spiritual experiences and lessons of the Author himself in the course of his yoga sadhana.

    Kalchakra Ane Kaliyuga.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 52 pages. Rupees 15
    Many of the Author's annual calendar of discourses have dealt with a vast canvas of subjects necessary to a proper understanding of existence and the human condition. One of these has been the subject of time. Time is ever flowing, explains the Author in this booklet, and both time and space are aspects of the Lord himself. The book covers such matters as what is time, the computation of time, ‘ yugadharma ', the present Kali Yuga in which we live and its positive and negative aspects, the status of man in the kali yuga and the future scenario.

    Karma, Gyan, Bhakti Yoga.
    Paperback, 14x21.5 cm., 52 pages. Rupees 20
    This is an introductory and basic text for the curriculum of the Lakuliush Yoga Vidyalaya leading to the award of a qualification certificate at the end of successful completion of four courses of instruction. A holder of such a certificate of the Vidyalaya is qualified to be a yoga teacher. This book introduces yoga and the principle of karma, tattva or element, gyan and bhakti. It also covers the aspects mitahar (moderation in diet, essential to practice of yoga), asan and pranayam and a practical curriculam of fifteen asans.

    Karma, Gyan, Bhakti Yoga Part 2.
    Paperback, 11.5x18 cm., 108 pages. Rupees 25
    This is a companion volume to the first part of the same name. It takes further all the subjects covered in the first volume, explores the subject of the oneness of all yogas no matter by what name identified and known, and adds a further twenty asans to the practical curriculum.
    Leela Purushottam by Ajitsinh Gadhvi,
    Paperback, 13.5x20 cm., 313 pages.
    Rupees 45
    A collection of critical appreciations of selected poetic writings of Swami Rajarshi Muni.

    Mahateerth Kayavarohan.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., --pages. Rupees
    Kayavarohan is one of the sixty-eight ‘ teerthas ' of Lord Shiva extolled in the Purans. It is of particular interest and significance to those in the spiritual lineage of Lord Lakulish, for it is the place of Lord Shiva's appearance on earth in that incarnation. This small booklet recounts the history of this ‘ teertha ' since ancient times and its association with the modern day spiritual lineage of Lord Lakulish.
    Manav Jeevan Yatra.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 58 pages. Rupees 15
    The Author's many discourses have covered various subjects essential for the proper understanding of matters critical to the spiritual education and uplift of his disciples and others. Many of these have addressed the territory of what is human life, what is it for, what is its ultimate goal, how should it be lived. This vastly illuminating book brings together his various discourses on these matters and is one of the basic texts for those who wish to profit from his teachings.

    Manav Kartavya.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 68 pages. Rupees 20
    One of the basic questions troubling the minds of spiritual seekers is “what is dharma?”. Apparently simple as the question is, many fail to get a satisfactory answer . This excellent work addresses that question and lucidly explains what dharma is, how it is put into practice and what are its results. It also touches on the areas of the significance of birth in the human species, what life is for and how it should be lived.

    Mari Guru Parampara.
    Paperback, 13.5x20 cm., 313 pages. Rupees 120
    “During the twenty-eighth Dwapar age when Dwaipayan, son of Parasar, will be Vyas and Lord Vishnu shall incarnate as Lord Krishna, son of Vasudeva, I too shall incarnate in the body of a celibate and shall be known as Lakulish. The place of my incarnation shall be siddhakshetra and it shall be renowned among men till the earth shall last.”
    (Shiv Puran, Shatrudra Samhita, 5:43-50).
    This prophesy came to pass nearly 4500 years ago, when Lord Lakulish appeared on earth at Kayavarohan, a well-known holy pilgrimage center in western India. He preached the principles of Sanatan Dharma and the spiritual science of Divine Yoga. His spiritual tradition flourished for nearly 3000 years. With the passage of time, the teachings of his tradition ceased. In 1913 he gave spiritual initiation to Swami Pranavanandji, and thus once again revived his spiritual tradition. The latter initiated Swami Kripalvanandji in 1931 who later became the third spiritual head of the lineage. Four decades later, in1971, Swami Kripalvanandji initiated Swami Rajarshi Muniji and passed on to him the secrets of Divine Yoga. In Infinite Grace, Swami Rajarshi Muni, the present spiritual head of the lineage, narrates the story of the extraordinary spiritual tradition of Lord Lakulish in modern times.
    Paperback, Pages i to ix and 1 to 131, four color photo pages. ISBN 81-88243-00-0.

    Mati, Kriti Anusar Gati by Sannyasini Yogini Maiya,
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 67 pages. Rupees 15
    A small collection of examples by way of stories from the Scriptures that help to understand the principle of karma and the role of mind in influencing our choice of karmas. It also touches on the areas of the significance of birth in the human species, what life is for and how it should be lived.

    Tibet Na Mahan Yogi Mila Repa.
    Paperback, 14x21 cm., 85 pages. Rupees 15
    The spiritual lineage within which Life Mission functions is blessed by receiving the knowledge of Divine Yoga from Lord Lakulish himself. Therefore the yoga known and practiced in the lineage is of the highest and purest form. The Gurus of the lineage have consistently declared that they are pursuing the sadhana of the divya deh or divine body, free of old age, disease and death. This is one of Swami Rajarshi Muni's earliest two works in which he has explained to the world the principle of the Divya Deh or Divine Body, in this case from the example of Mila Repa, a Budhhist monk of Tibet who gained this ultimate attainment..
    Nari Tun Narayani by Sannyasini Yogini Maiya,
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 124 pages. Rupees 30
    Indian Scriptures have said, “Yatra naryastu pujyante, ramante tatra devata” – the Gods themselves sport where women are respected. This small booklet is a collection of the characters of eleven historical female figures from the Indian cultural landscape who represent the ideal woman.

    Navdha Bhakti.
    Paperback, 14.5x21.5 cm., 224 pages. Rupees 50
    Perhaapps two of the commonest questions in the minds of spiritual seekers are, “what is dharma?” and “what is bhakti?” Bhakti is devotion to God. It confers true knowledge of the self and frees the soul from impurity and bondage. Indian Scriptures have spoken of
    nine types of / steps to bhakti. This illuminating book delineates the nine types of bhakti.

    Nirnirala Naradveda.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 116 pages. Rupees 25
    A collection of sermons of deep spiritual meaning and significance, cast in a humorous mode with Devarshi Naradji as the central character.

    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 56 pages. Rupees 15
    Indian Scriptures say that every human being inherits three debts from the very moment of its birth, those to God, the Spirits of the Ancestors and to human beings. They further enjoin that certain daily rituals must be performed to square up the unsettled account of these debts. Six such daily rituals are prescribed. These are: the daily bath or ablution, sandhya or worship of the Sun, Japa or mantra recitation, Devapoojan or worship of God, Vaishvadev Yajnas or the five sacrificial rites and atithya or hospitality towards the guest. This brief illuminating booklet explains these basics of the sanatana dharma or eternal religion.

    Prarabdha Chade Ke Purusharth.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 48 pages. Rupees 15
    An invaluable treatise that lucidly explains the twin important principles of karma and destiny and effectively resolves the apparent conflict between the two.

    Purusharth Chatushtay.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 51 pages. Rupees 15
    A short treatise that explains artha, kam, dharma and moksha , the four endeavors enjoined by the Scriptures for the human species. Naturally, the book features treatment of many spiritual subjects and principles that the reader will find instructive and illuminating to know.

    Saat Samandar Paar.
    Paperback, 14x21 cm., 64 pages. Rupees 15
    This book is based on a 1987 discourse of the author on the subject of prarabdha (destiny), purushartha (endeavor) and adhikar (entitlement). Couched in the garb of parables, it delineates deeper experiences of the Author's yoga sadhana and concludes with the findings that endeavor is essential to awakening destiny and further that even endeavor will take the practitioner only so far as his right or entitlement based on his karmas allows.

    Sadhan Panchak.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 100 pages. Rupees 20
    This work delineates the five essentials that are conducive to a spiritual life and take the practitioner closer to God. These are shradhha (faith), Samyam (restraint), sadachar (good or right conduct), seva (service) and sadhana (spiritual practice). As is usual in all books of the Author, this work too is replete with illuminating examples from the Scriptures.

    Sanatan Dharma Ane Sanmarg.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 56 pages. Rupees 15
    This is one of the Author's several seminal works on the spiritual life. It explains the Sanatan or Vedic Dharma of India, its characteristics, tenets, values and mores, and the way to a spiritual life. It refers also to dharma and moksha purushartha and advises on right conduct.

    Satsang Sudha by Ajitsinh Gadhvi.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 104 pages. Rupees 25
    A second collection of critical appreciations of Swami Rajarshi Muniji's poetic creations.
    Paperback,13.5x21 cm., 123 pages. Rupees 30
    This is not an ordinary book nor of a kind that just anyone and everyone can write. It requires particular and rare qualification to write a book such as this one. For it deals with the subject of the vital energy which sustains all life, the cosmos itself, which is at the heart of all yoga undertaken as spiritual sadhana and is at the root of spontaneous yoga. Only those who know true yoga from personal practice and have attained a certain level of proficiency and yogic power can transmit the vital force that causes spontaneous yoga in the recipient can impart the wealth that this work gives. This work is essential reading for all those with a genuine desire to understand yoga as it truly is.

    Shishya Keva Bansho.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 80 pages. Rupees 15
    A companion volume to that outstanding work “Guru Keva Karsho?”. It explores all aspects of the concept of shishya or disciple, the entitlement to that position or status, the duties of a disciple and all that is necessary to earn the Guru's grace. The book is replete with examples from Scriptures and thus gains in its instructional and inspirational value.

    Shiv Mahima.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 75 pages. Rupees 25
    A comprehensive delineation of the entire subject of Shiva, including the name itself, the forms of the Supreme Lord, the symbols of Shiva, the worship of Shiva and related austerities and fasts.
    Also Available:
    Shri Hanumann Chalisa
    Shri Shiv Mahimna Stotra
    Shri Vishnusahastranam
    Sudhabindu Part 1 .
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 96 pages. Rupees 20
    Collection of eighty-one of the Author's nearly 400 bhajans, ghazals, garbas, songs, etc.

    Sudhabindu Part 2.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm. 96 pages. Rupees 20
    Second volume of collection of Author's eighty-three bhajans, ghazala, garbas, songs, etc.

    Sudhabindu Part 3.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 104 pages. Rupees 20
    Third volume of collection of Author's eighty-eight bhajans, ghazala, garbas, songs, etc.

    Varta Re Varta by Snnyasini Yogini Maiya.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 64 pages. Rupees 15
    Collection of fifteen instructional and inspirational tales specially written for children

    Vinod Vallari.
    Paperback, 11.5x17 cm., 58 pages. Rupees 15
    Small collection of humorous but instructional tales garnered from the Author's discourses.

    Vigyan Adhyatma Na Marge by Dr. B.G.Nayak.

    Life Mission Publications, Paperback, 14x21.5 cm., 259 pages. Rupees 80
    Published by Life Mission in the name of Dr. B.G. Nayak, this invaluable work combines Dr. Nayak's work of the same name as well as various discourses of Swami Rajarshi Muniji previously published as “ Adhyatma Ane Bhautik Vigyan ”. The work deals with the complexities of the material sciences and the Indian darshan sashtras (Scriptures) and explains the limitations of the former as well as the necessity of the latter, the visible and invisible, gross and subtle, outer and inner, material and spiritual worlds.

    Yoga Aur Ayurved. Paperback,
    Life Mission is conducting the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya (founded in 1976) which imparts Yoga education up to Diploma level. The relationship between yoga and ayurved is an old one. The Gujarat Ayurved University is running yoga courses in its nine colleges with the help of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaaya since 1989. In 1991, the Vidyalaya extended recognition to the University as its sub-center. Students of the University requested the author to write a book for their use that would bring together in one place essential material for the proper understanding of both Yoga and Ayurved. This book is the result. It is a prescribed text in the University's second year curriculum. It is an excellent guide for all those interested in these twin ancient sciences.
    Yoga Darshika,
    Paperback, 12.5x18.5 cm, 80 pages, Rupees 20.
    There is a new awakening towards yoga in present times and a genuine desire among people to understand this ancient science. This book has been written for such seekers. It has been prepared with a view also that it might in particular be of practical use to the youth. It is so arranged that the user may receive preliminary introduction to yoga and also reliable guidance for its initial practice. The ground it covers includes systematic instruction on yam and niyam , asan-pranayam , and the benefits derivable from the thirty-five asans included in the book.

    Yoga Darshika Prarambhik.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 40 pages. Rupees 10.
    This is the first of a series of seven books that constitute the prescribed texts or syllabus for the yoga educational programs of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya run by Life Mission. It presents a brief delineation of the eight limbs of ashtang yoga. It is intended as a guide for the very young and initiates into yoga practice. There is a brief discussion of the eight limbs of ashtang yoga useful for the spiritual and physical development of its users. Instructions on thirty-five asans along with their benefits are included with a photographic illustration.

    Yoga Darshika Dvitiya.
    Paperback, 5x7.5 cm, 76 pages. Rupees 20
    This book advances the process begun by “ Yoga Darshika Prarambhik ”. It is just as invaluable a guide for the more advanced beginner. There is a longer portion on celibacy, the distinction between physical exercise and yogasan practice, yogic breathing and shatkriyas. The asan portion of the book covers fifty-seven new asans, raising the total of the course till this stage to eighty-seven.

    Yoga Darshika Tritiya.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 84 pages. Rupees 25
    Syllabus of the third shibir of the Certificate Program of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya. Takes further the treatment of yam and niyam covered in previous volumes, asan, pranayam, sutra-neti and kapalbhati. Theoretical knowledge about some of the basic principles of yoga practice is also imparted. The asan portion of the book advances the program by 80 additional asans, thus taking the total from beginning to this stage to 197.

    Yoga Darshika Chaturtha.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 100 pages. Rupees 25
    Syllabus of the fourth shibir of the Certificate Program of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya. Readers are introduced to Ashta Kumbhaks (eight varieties of Pranayams ) and their functional differences and taught the techniques of Suryabhedan and Chandrabhedan Pranayams . Theoretical knowledge of additional Yams and Niyams is imparted. The asan portion of the book advances the program by 105 new asans, carrying the total asans covered by the course so far to 302.

    Yoga Darshika Pancham.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 113 pages. Rupees 25
    Syllabus of the fifth shibir of the Certificate Program of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya. Advances the ground covered in previous volumes and focuses on Surya Namaskar, Shitali, Sitkari and Ujjayi pranayams and additional Dhauti Kriyas. Three Bandhs (locks) and Nauli (rectii control) are also covered. Greater emphasis is placed on theoretical knowledge about various Nadis (tubular ducts) and other aspect of Yoga. The asan portion of the book advances the program by 110 additional asans, thus taking the total from beginning to this stage to 412.

    Yoga Darshika Sashtam.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 1128 pages. Rupees 30
    Syllabus of the sixth shibir of the Certificate Program of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya. Advances the program by instructions on Indriya-nigrah, Pratyahar, the five major and minor vayus, sharir, avaran and the various classes of existence, the higher kumbhaks, shatkarmas and their rules, etc. Coverage includes Bhastrika and other sahit Kumbhak Pranayams, intensive practice of three Bandhs (locks) and learn (gazing) and Basti (bowel cleansing), the techniques of Vam (left) and Dakshin (right) Nauli and rotation of the rectii muscles. Theoretical knowledge about Vayus (vital airs), Pratyahar (withdrawal of mind), Hathayoga and Rajayoga is imparted. The asan portion of the book advances the program by 125 additional asans, thus taking the total from beginning to this stage to 537.

    Yoga Darshika Saptam.
    Paperback, 12x18 cm., 135 pages. Rupees 35.
    This book contains the text of a course of the Lakulish Yoga Vidyalay specially designed to offer advanced training to yoga teachers and spiritual aspirants who have passed the Second-Level Certificate Course of the Institute. It instructs the user in the intensive practice of various Pranayams, Shatkarmas , Bandhs and Nauli for Nadi shuddhi (purification), along with the strict observance of Yams and Niyams. There is guidance on Yogic principles, Chakras, Kundalini, Pratyahar and its five meditation techniques, Hatha Yoga, Swar Yoga, Kriya Yoga and Raja Yoga. The asan portion of the book advances the program by 115 additional asans, thus taking the total from beginning to this stage to 652.

    Yoga Dwara Divya Deh.
    Paperback, 14.5x22 cm., 221 pages. Rupees 70
    The concept of the Divine Body is to be found in all faiths of the world. The oldest authority for it lies in Indian Scriptures which are at least five thousand years old and contain repeated references to such a Divine Body. The faithful have trusted the principle but remained in the dark about its import and the way of its attainment. There was none till now who could throw light upon it.
    Since 1913 the world has been gifted with a lineage of disciplic succession which is in possession of the secrets of the highest yoga and is practicing Divine Yoga for the attainment of the Divine Body. The Author is its present Spiritual Head , an advanced Yogi in his own right, a modern Master who is in a position to explain the ancient and elusive principle.
    The book speaks for itself. It is essential reading for all who seek to understand the true Yoga of India and its highest promised fruit. The subject of the Divine Body free of old age, disease and death has never before been so directly and specifically addressed as in this book. It could not have been so addressed except by one in personal knowledge of the territory it covers through his own practice of yoga. No one who reads and absorbs the contents of this work can fail to be convinced of the authenticity of its content or the stature of the Author.
    Yoga Ek Nam Anek. 12x18 cm., 48 pages. Rupees 70
    The Lakulish Yoga Vidyalaya managed by Life Mission has been imparting scientific yoga education to all seekers without distinction of class, creed, age or gender. The first Diploma course was conducted by the Author himself in 1989-90. He had on that occasion delivered a series of five discourses to the Diploma students explaining that though yoga was garbed in very many names it was in reality one yoga. This book combines those discourses into a most instructive compendium of incalculable usefulness to all those interested in a proper understanding of yoga. It will help in removing any prevailing misunderstanding and illusions on the subject.